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What our origin story tells us about God and ourselves. And why Moses was right in Psalm 90. "From everlasting to everlasting you are God. You turn men back to dust."
To rescue us God had to initiate the Great Reset. Our responsibility in his master plan is our response to his work. Humility or hubris; the choice is ours. "Relent, O LORD! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."
Have you ever felt that intense struggle inside of yourself between good and evil? How about that sense of defeat that comes from never having the strength to live out what you know is right? God invites us to be more than merely prisoners of war. "May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work or our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands."
Matthew 1
Joseph's life is turned upside down in one short conversation. But maybe God has other plans? Where does true hope arise from?
Mark 1
Who is this wild eyed prophet? Why has he come? And who does he point to?(Video Unavailable-For audio of sermon see "Music" section of website. We have uploaded the music and sermon under "Dec 6/21".)
Luke 1
Mary, Mary, God's chosen instrument to bring in the Messiah. After 600 years of being beaten, bullied, bruised and abandoned, Israel finds themselves precisely in the "Hard Knock Life". God's long-awaited promise to Mary changes all of that.
John 1
Our final sermon in the Christmas Advent series this year. We unpack John 1:1-18 and answer these questions: Why did the Son become flesh and dwell among us? What did his Incarnation achieve?
What is it about antique cars, antique furniture stores, reclaimed wood furniture, and heritage houses? We love seeing something brought back to life, given a new dignity and purpose. Ephesians 4:17-24.
In the busyness of our world, can we even hear ourselves (let alone God)? How can we focus on a worthwhile pursuit in life when we are constantly bombarded with messages coming from all different directions and perspectives? Ecclesiastes 5 and Psalm 131.
What can reading God's Word do to you and in you? How does it transform us out of the world and into Christ? Do we listen to it deep and broad enough for it to affect our lives to the extent of the psalmist in Psalm 19? What was it's impact on Jesus' life?
A lot of people in the world are discovering the power of prayer. Even atheists and agnostics recognize the psychological and physical well-being which comes from practicing it. But when Jesus talks about prayer, what does he think it is for? In God's desire to transform us, prayer must move past the therapeutic. We follow Jesus' teaching in Luke 11 seeking to understand his perspective on this vital discipline.
Tribalism, Social Conformism, Individualism. What is the underlying problem behind these three big isms? A lack of a real rooted identity. If God is bringing us out of darkness, sensuality and rebellion and into his Son what part do these dual disciplines play in this process?
Ephesians 4:17-24
Have you ever heard "don't judge lest you be judged"? What does that really mean? In our desire to grow toward Jesus sometimes this verse can be taken out of context. The second outward discipline in our series Dwelling Well In God. God wants to grow you through spiritual direction and soul care. Your intentional friendships with other growing Christians is vital to your development. Matthew 7:1-6
When Jesus says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" what does he mean? Is Consumerism a hindrance to dwelling well with God? Can the love of money or possessions actually keep us from God's kingdom? How can God us simplicity and contentment to form us out of the world and into Jesus his Son? Matthew 6:19-24, based on Psalm 91 and Ephesians 4:17-24.
This is the last message in our series Dwelling Well In God. Service and a servant heart are absolutely crucial in forming us away from the world and into Christ. We look at Luke's account of the Last Supper and how Jesus uses a tense argument by the disciples to teach his upside down kingdom. "Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves." How does a servant heart form us away from the "dirty dozen" ideologies we have identified in our world? Luke 22:14-30; John 13:3-7, 12-17; Matthew 25:31-26, Genesis 3:16b with Genesis 4:6-7
Genesis 1 & 2
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of work and rest are? I mean, we take them for granted as being normal parts of life. Does the Bible have anything to say about human design, work and rest? Is work evil? Is there something more than the race to Friday? Are there undetected rhythms of grace in my life that are present and I am missing?
Exodus 16:17-30, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5
We are worried about laws controlling us. Generally we enjoy our freedoms. Some laws seem to restrict life. But do all? In Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Moses says that the OT law actually gives life, it doesn't take it away! Are we reading that right? What about where Paul says that Law brings death (Romans 7:9, etc.) What if we are reading Paul and the New Testament wrong? What if God has always wanted to give life to his people? What if Sabbath was a gift not a duty? (Joshua 1:6-9, Judges 21:25, Deuteronomy 17:18)
Exodus 31:12-18, Jeremiah 17, Ezekiel 20, Nehemiah 13:15-22
In 1948, Israel adopted the six sided Star of David as their symbol of independence and nationhood. This symbol had previously been used since the 17th Century as a identity marker for Jews. Ancient Israel were given the Sabbath as their primary identification marker in Yahweh's covenant. We track Israel's history, picking up clues along the way, making sense of their story. This will help us bridge the Old and New Testament, in our search for the rhythms of grace.
Matthew 11 & 12
We all love the verse:"Come to me, all you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest." Did you know that Jesus said this right before going to war with the Pharisees over the Sabbath? Is Jesus teaching something new or reestablishing what God had always wanted for the Sabbath? (Romans 12:, Romans 14:5-8)
Hebrews 4, Revelation 21 & 22
There is a final form of Sabbath, that begins with Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath, but continues into eternity. God desired for Israel to enter into it while in the wilderness, he desired for Israel to enter into it while in the land, he desired for the Jews to enter into it during Jesus' ministry, and he desires now for us now to enter into it. In the end, those who love him, those who are obedient and faithfully follow through will rest with him forever. Are you truly a pilgrim moving toward that rest?
John 17:1-8, Genesis 1-3
Why did Jesus have to die? Why did Jesus say, "Father I have completed the work you sent me to do? " Who does God think you are based on what Jesus did?
Matthew 20:17-21:11 Matthew reflects on his story of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem. It is funny the difference 40 years makes in reflection. As the crowds cry out, "Who is this?", Matthew realizes that something is not right. Is it possible we have read this famous story wrong? What does God want to say to us about how we perceive Jesus now?
Psalm 20, 21, 22
"My God, my God, why have your forsaken me?" Have we misread this text? In the context of these three psalms, and in light of Jesus' own testimony about his Father's inseparable bond with him what does this mean?
Matthew 27:62- 28:20 Both guards and the women fell down in fear, both ran toward Jerusalem, both told the people who they felt most needed to hear, and both received a commission from their leaders. Matthew's resurrection account is a powerful testimony which draws us into the plot and ultimately asks us an important question.
Psalm 103
How do we respond to Easter the other 364 days of the year? If God has rescued us from sin and from ourselves, what will this look like? Sometimes we need a big idea about God for us to make a big change in our response to him. Psalm 103 gives us this desire.
Psalm 103
Does all of God's unfailing love apply to all people or only Christians? Is there only one general application of God's love toward all humans?
Genesis 8:20-22, Matthew 5:45
Genesis 12:1-3, Romans 5:1-22
To start this letter, Paul makes a claim of spiritual authority in our lives as God's official envoy. He is saying that he is God's chosen instrument to bring the message to God's chosen people.
Who can stop God from his plans? God, King of Kings has decreed our rescue plan. What can separate us from the love of God? Paul - in one long run on sentence- pours out to the Ephesians all of the mysterious plan of God for his chosen children.
"Only God can reveal God." Do we believe this? Jesus came from heaven to reveal the Father to us (John 1:18). Do we actually understand that it doesn't stop here? The Holy Spirit needs to come and explain and interpret the revelation of God to us. The Father desires that in Christ we may have him revealed to us, that we would know him more! The Spirit opens our minds to understand these very great, rich promises!
Paul draws a huge contrast between being dead in our sins and being made alive in Christ. This is at the very heart of the Gospel. The walking dead, unable to move toward God, being made fully alive and seated with the Messiah in the heavenly places. This is all a gift. We were re-created in Christ Jesus our Lord to "walk" in newness of life! Do we understand the real Gospel? Do we see our own inability and his divine undeserved mercy upon us? Ezekiel 36, 37,
What is the process God takes us on, from death to life, from sin to holiness? The Reformers call this the ordo salutis or Order of Salvation. 4 stages: Calling, Justification, Sanctification and Glorification. The Holy Spirit moves in and through his bringing us from full death in Ephesians 2:1-3 to full life 4-10, with the hope of perfection and fullness of life to come.
Hostility within Humanity. Ukraine and Russia, China and Taiwan, polarization and radicalization in Canadian politics, covid stances on masks and vaccines. Why is is there so much hostility and division in our world? Paul continues his explanation of God's great plan which is unfolding (Ephesians 1:4-6) in our world. God's power is revealed in rescuing humanity in Jesus . Now Paul looks at God's amazing ability to destroy all human barriers and divine-human barriers in Jesus, the fullest Peace the world has ever seen. Do you wonder why it is that you are unable to live at peace with others (Romans 12:17-19); even fellow Christians? Do we misunderstand Jesus' role in reversing the effects of Genesis 3?
Paul has a personal investment in the Gentiles. Here in Ephesians 3 Paul gives us a short biographical account of why all of the Gentile and Jewish stuff really matters. And even more importantly, Paul unpacks what is the mystery of God. Do you ever feel that Christianity is on its last legs in North America? How can the good news of Jesus be true when this world is so dark? Paul knows how you feel. There is more to the story than meets the eye. Acts 22:17-22, Acts 26:15-18
Good food is all about the right ingredients! As much as I love Chinese buffets, Thai and Vietnamese food surpasses the buffet in the flavour challenge. The subtle flavours of lemongrass, lime, cilantro, etc. all combine for something special. When we pray do we realize that some of the right ingredients are necessary to really have a prayer which changes us? Paul is looking at the redemptive love of God, and he wants us to experience it deeper. So he calls out to the Father to empower us to have this love. We are wise to see Paul's process here. God longs for us to deeply know him, his love and his power, all taking place in and through Jesus!
Our world is confused. Who am I? What defines my identity? Do I discover it or create it? Every human desires: 1)Belonging instead of Alienation and Isolation 2)Value and Worthiness instead of Shame and Guilt 3) Contribution to a greater cause instead of an Aimless Existence. The theme "In Christ" comes up 26 times in Ephesians 1-3. Human nature hasn't changed at all in 2000 years. Paul rightly believes that if we get "in Christ" right, we will get life right. Identity is at the center of all human striving and wellbeing.
Where did we come from, where are we going? This message is like stopping at a landmark, looking down at the map and tracing where Paul has brought us so far. We need to really let his ideas soak in so we will be prepared for the next leg of the journey. Ephesians 1-3 is what God has done for us. Ephesians 4-6 is all about how we respond by the power of the Spirit to the truths layed out for us!
Our identity in Christ requires a response. What does it mean to live the Christian life? What is a Christian? Is it possible to live for Christ outside of community? Unity is at that forefront of the Christian life for Paul. Jesus' prayer in John 17 is Paul's desire for the Ephesian church. We in our North American churches need to think twice about how and what we believe church is. Without community it is impossible to walk in a manner worthy of our calling!
If you have seen me, you have seen the Father says Jesus. Can we say the same thing? Do we show the world Christ through the worthiness of our lives? Pastor Roy helps us see that our new identity means that we have a new pattern of life, a new mission, a new purpose. It means stopping somethings, and starting others. Our minds and our behaviours are intimately woven together. It takes us taking off our old clothing and putting on our new clothing to move into maturity (Ephesians 4:14-16). We are Christ's body, we need to look like it!
Worldviews- the very foundation of each of our perception of reality itself. If we believe the wrong thing here, everything is in danger. What happens when the core parts of our thinking come from culture and not from our faith? Steve looks with us at how human thinking works, following Paul's insistence that we change our core thinking about reality itself. Jesus has given us a very different picture of reality than our culture. He answers the big questions: Why am I here? What is the purpose of existence? What is right and wrong? What is the destiny of our species in a very different way than our culture. Where are you in your thinking process?
Olympic Lifters do what is called compound lifts. This is when a bunch of motions are combined to do one big lift, like a clean and jerk. Paul in Ephesians 5:1-2 says that like Jesus we are to live a life of love. These five relational areas in 4:25-32 are the isolated "lifts" we need to develop a community worth living in. Combined they add up to a life of love. Paul has already contrasted taking off the old way of thinking and put on the new (4:17-24). Our passage today looks at relationships and what is really necessary to build a community of faith where we grow into the image of Jesus (4:15-16).
Knowing and being known. Really when we think about it, this is the root of all human longing. Paul is asking us to become imitators of God. He sets the bar high. But it all comes from the reality that now, in Jesus we are "beloved children". All of the holiness that flows out of our lives comes from this intimate connection to our Father! This love compels us toward a life of obedient imitation!
God is Light. Jesus is the Light of the World and yet according to him so are we. Once Jesus shines into a heart, it becomes light too. This image of light helps us know what our purpose is on Earth as followers of Jesus.
In the book of Ephesians so far, we have heard Paul say, "Like the rest (unbelievers) we were by nature objects of wrath", "You were dead in your transgressions and sins", "They (unbelievers) are darkened in their understand and separated from the life of God" "You were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord." Why is Paul making a clear cut distinction between them and us? Why does it often seem that people in the world are actually more righteous and loving than Christians? Jesus says "we are the light of the world". But do we really know what he expects of us for that to be accurate? Matthew 5:13-20.
Are we living with blinders on our eyes? Are we all living in our own little castles, oblivious to the world around us? What does God think is the will for my life? Paul gives us a challenging practical picture of what it means to walk out our faith in our world. Will you obey God 's destiny for your life?
Kickoff Sunday 2022! Have you ever overheard two people talking, and you become fascinated by their body language, excited tone and interesting content- only to find out later that they were talking about something wildly different than you thought? When we read Ephesians, we often truly miss the cultural significance of community. And so we read/hear the entire book and focus on something totally foreign to God's intention. Come with us into a time machine, where we explore what church in the 1st Century looked like and why the Canadian church needs to recapture Jesus' simple yet unstoppable plan!
“It just seems to me that we live in an important and uncertain time, and the institution of marriage is in the most uncertain state. If 50 to 75 percent of Ford or General Motors cars were to fall apart completely in the initial period of their automobile life, the most drastic measures would be taken.” -Carl Rogers When it comes to marriage and our culture it is a given that most marriages will fail. Paul's words to wives and husbands is offensive to our culture. But what if this model given by God is the only one worth living? We will explore the Genesis 2 vs Genesis 3 heart behind marriage. Which one do you have? What is God asking you to change in your laying down of your life for your spouse?
How are families doing in Canada? Is society getting better at doing families or worse? Why are children coming into adulthood seemingly unprepared and disadvantaged? Is self-love really the thing we need to invest in for our kids to succeed? Paul gives us a profoundly counter-intuitive, counter-cultural perspective on giving your kids their best opportunity to win at life. Jesus himself is not a token part, he is the reason all of this actually works. The 2 Timothy 3 heart vs the Philippians 2 heart is crucial if you want to raise a kid who will make it in life.
What does the Bible teach on slavery? Does the God of the Bible condone or even endorse its practice? “Do those people who hold up the Bible as an inspiration to moral rectitude have the slightest notion of what is actually written in it?” ― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion Why doesn't Paul advocate for the wholesale overthrow of slavery when writing to the Ephesian church? Where is my heart when it comes to obeying those who are in a position of authority over me? How do I treat those underneath me in authority? Why does how I view my relationship to Jesus become the crucial factor in this discussion?
A battle cry. A call to arms. What happens when a general rallies his troops through an inspirational speech? Paul begins this section with finally. Everything that has come before in Ephesians will be for nothing if this battle cry is not heeded. But the difference is that this King, Jesus fights for his people on their behalf. All the power belongs to the Lord and he is inviting us to come under his protection. Our enemy is not someone to be underestimated. But "in Christ" we are more than equipped to take our stand!
7 Characteristics of a Strong and Healthy Church. A battle tank before entering into duty will be battle commissioned. Going through a checklist with a fine-tooth comb, the weapon will be deemed ready and capable for war. Is the church in Canada capable of standing against Satan? How eager are we to be equipped and then sent out? Here are the 7 things Paul deems necessary to take up the full armour of God. Where are we as a church? How am I contributing to or hindering obedience to God through my life or beliefs?
The love of God seen in the Lord Jesus Christ outstrips all love. Paul was so affected by God's love that he was all in. We see his love for the Ephesian church. His entire life was for Jesus, because it came from the love that came from Jesus! Who is Jesus to you? Is he a religious leader who taught some good principles and can help you do life better? Is he a legend in the mists of time, epitomizing the great man theory? Have you met him yet?