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The reality is that we are real people with real issues just like you. None of us has been fully transformed by Jesus' power yet, there is still lots of work to do! We all, deep down know that something is still bent and twisted. We don't live the way we should all the time. We have regrets in our relationships. And yet, we have also tasted the beginnings of the new life with God! King Jesus calls this being spiritually born again by the powerful Holy Spirit of God! He has brought us to life and is inviting you to come to life too! We would love to have you to join us in this process of complete renewal! God is so good to us!
We believe that we are a community that has been rescued by Jesus. We are now members of his own household, brothers and sisters through King Jesus, having a Father who loves us as he loves his Son. It is by God's grace that we are new creatures, We exist to proclaim this freedom to a captured, broken and lost world! If you desire to be changed by God's power, we would love for you to join us! If you are hungry for something deep in your soul and you are wondering if that something is God, join us! Our responsibility is for us to hold out this message of hope to those who have not experienced Jesus' life altering power to forgive and transform. We also believe that our love for God is shown through our love for one another. "The church is the community of those so overwhelmed by their indebtedness to God's free grace that they live in a state of glad and grateful indebtedness to one another." William Tyndale- Early Christian Reformer and Martyr.
We believe that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. When we gather together we believe with Scripture that Jesus walks among us as our King by his Spirit. He instructs, encourages, corrects and nurtures his people. We desire to come to church with an expectation that our good King will meet with us and give us the grace we need. We desire to submit to Jesus through his Word, knowing that only he has the words of eternal life. What does this look like on Sundays? We desire to be in awe of God without being ritualistic. Jesus is the undeniable center and focus of Sunday mornings! We stand in wonder of our King, and the blessing he pours out upon us. We have a 4-5 song set, a corporate prayer time, Scripture reading from the passage of the week, a 30min message from the Bible and the Lord's Supper (Every 1st Sunday of the Month). Every 1st Sunday of the Month we also stick around for a potluck lunch after the service as one big family! Genesis 28:16, Psalm 24